Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Jennifer Wins an Emmy for Lead Actress in 2002

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Emmy award 2002 - Nomination

1-8: The One Where Nana Dies Twice

Ross: I thought it was gonna be a closed casket.
  • casket: 棺材
Ross: Here's my retainer!
Ross: I have shown you everything we have. Unless you want your mother to spend eternity in a lemon yellow pant-suit, go with the burgundy.
  • eternity: (死后的)无穷时间; burgundy: 紫红色(
Chandler: Well, don't we look nice all dressed up?...It's stuff like that, isn't it?

Chandler: Nothing, just your overcoat sounds remarkably like Brent Mussberger.
Phoebe: Okay, don't worry, I'm just checking to see if the muscle's in spasm...huh
  • spasm: 痉挛,抽筋
Mrs. Geller: I'm telling you, it's a wonder your mother turned out to be the positive, life-affirming person that she is.
  • affirm: v. 肯定,确定;life-affirming 指对生活态度积极的,热爱生活的

1-7: The One With the Blackout

MNCA: [into phone] Pants and a sweater? Why, mom? Who am I gonna meet in a blackout? Power company guys? Eligible looters? Could we talk about this later? OK.
  • looter: 抢劫的人
CHAN: She's right, it's Jill. Jill Goodacre. Oh my God. I am trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre! [pause] Is it a vestibule? Maybe it's an atrium. Oh, yeah, that is the part to focus on, you idiot!
  • vestibule:门厅,前厅。ATM vestibule 大概指嵌在大楼里的ATM房间
[Scene: Monica's apartment. Joey enters with a menorah, the candles lit.]
JOEY: Hi everyone.
ROSS: And officiating at tonight's blackout, is Rabbi Tribbiani.
JOEY: Well, Chandler's old roomate was Jewish, and these are the only candles we have, so... Happy Chanukah, everyone.
  • menorah: 犹太人宗教仪式用的一种烛台();officiate:主持宗教仪式;
ROSS: It is. Eventually, it kind of... burns out. But hopefully, what you're left with is trust, and security, and... well, in the case of my ex-wife, lesbianism. So, you know, for all of those people who miss out on that passion... thing, there's all that other good stuff.
  • miss out on 错过……好机会
CHAN: Oh, then no thanks. What the hell was that? Mental note: If Jill Goodacre offers you gum, you take it. If she offers you mangled animal carcass, you take it.
  • mental note: 特别要记下的东西;mangle 把(肌体,皮肤等)撕裂,弄碎

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

1-6: The One With the Butt

JOEY: C'mon, you guys, it wasn't that bad. It was better than that thing I did with the trolls, at least you got to see my head.
MONICA: Didn't you listen to the story? I mean, this is twisted! How could you get involved with a woman like this?
  • twisted: (思想,行为等)扭曲的,怪异的,变态的
ROSS: Well, y'know, monogamy can be a, uh, tricky concept. I mean, anthropologically speaking-
  • monogamy: 一夫一妻制;anthropologically: 人类学上
ROSS: Alright. There's a theory, put forth by Richard Leakey-
MONICA: ...Oh! I-I see you moved the green ottoman.
  • ottoman: 沙发旁垫脚的软凳子
CHANDLER: Thank God you didn't try to fan out the magazines. I mean, she'll scratch your eyes right out.
  • fan out: 像扇子一样地展开
ROSS: Oh c'mon! When we were kids, yours was the only Raggedy Ann doll that wasn't raggedy!
  • raggedy: 破烂的(衣服)
MONICA: Okay, so I'm responsible, I'm organised. But hey, I can be a kook.
  • kook: 傻瓜,怪异的人
CHANDLER: Someone's left a glass on the coffee table. There's no coaster. It's a cold drink, it's a hot day. Little beads of condensation are inching their way closer and closer to the surface of the wood..
  • inch: 慢慢移动, maybe from "move inch by inch".
CHANDLER: Oh no, it's terrific, it's- it's- y'know, you deserve this, after all your years of struggling, you've finally been able to crack your way into show business.
  • crack your way into: 这里只Joey终于跻身演艺圈
RACHEL: Ooh, do I sense a little bit of resentment?
  • resentment: 愤怒,憎恨
MONICA: Sure. Oh, um, Chandler? Y'know, the-the old Monica would-would remind you to scrub that Teflon pan with a plastic brush...But I'm not gonna do that.

RACHEL: Really? Just casually strewn about in that reckless haphazard manner?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

1-5: The One With the East German Laundry Detergent

Joey: Ok, you know what blows my mind? Women can see breasts any time they want. You just look down and there they are. How you get any work done is beyond me.
  • blows one's mind 指强烈的感情,如很震撼,很不能理解,很震惊等;beyond这里指超出理解的范围,就是Joey觉得他理解不了。
Chandler: No, I know, but it's just so hard, you know? I mean, you're sitting there with her, she has no idea what's happening, and then you finally get up the courage to do it, and there's the horrible awkward moment when you've handed her the note.
  • get up the courage to do sth: 鼓起勇气去做某事;
Chandler: Oh, thanks, but I think she'd feel like we're gangin' up on her.
  • gang up on: 联合起来对付
Phoebe: Yeah, I know, he's sweet, but it's just not fun anymore, you know? I don't know if it's me, or his hunger strike, or, I don't know.
  • hunger strike: 绝食斗争。不太理解这里的语境。
Rachel: It's my father. He wants to give me a Mercedes convertible.
Ross: That guy, he burns me up.
  • burn up: 使生气,恼怒;这里Ross使是用反语开玩笑
Monica: Did he give you that whole "You're-not-up-to-this" thing again?
  • not up to: 还没能力做某事
Monica: Wow, being dumped by you obviously agrees with her.
  • agree with sb: 适合某人的,对某人有益处
Chandler: Bullwinkle socks. That's so sweet.
  • Bullwinkle and Rocky: 六十年代的著名动画
Rachel: Oh god. Oh, am I being like a total laundry spaz? I mean, am I supposed to use like one machine for shirts and another machine for pants?
  • spaz: (俚)笨蛋
Ross: (visibly nervous) Uh, that, that, that would be a judgment call.
Monica: Hello! Were we at the same table? It's like... cocktails in Appalachia.
  • cocktail in Appalachia 不是常用的短语,是Friends作者发明的,Yahoo Answer有一个很好的解释.
Rachel: Oh, I guess. Except everything looks like jammies now.
  • jam是果酱,jammy是沾满果酱的,jammies指沾满果酱的东西

Monday, October 23, 2006

1-4: The One With George Stephanopoulos

ROSS: It's okay, y'know, you just nodded off again.
  • nod off: 打瞌睡
JOEY: The hell with hockey, let's all do that!
RACHEL: Okay, I'm not just waitressing. I'm.. I, um... I write the specials on the specials board, and, uh... and I, uh... I take the uh dead flowers out of the vase... Oh, and, um, sometimes Artelle lets me put the little chocolate blobbies on the cookies.
  • blob是小斑点,blobby 是blob的形容词
MONICA: Hey, Rach. How was it with your friends? (SHE AND PHOEBE SCREAM) Okay! How would you like some Tiki Death Punch?
  • Tiki Death Punch,一种用Rum酒配的饮料。好像没有现成的配方,不过有个粉丝自己发明了配方 :)
MONICA: We thought since Phoebe was staying over tonight we'd have kinda like a slumber party thing. We got some trashy magazines, we got cookie dough, we got Twister.
  • slumber 是指睡眠;slumber party 是女孩子在一起聊天的一种聚会,因为一般都穿睡衣或者很随意的衣服,所以叫slumber party;trashy magazine 指八卦杂志
MONICA: (PHONE) Could you please tell me what this is in reference to?
  • in reference to = with regard to,关于
PHOEBE: You are just like Jack.
RACHEL: ...Jack from downstairs?
PHOEBE: No, Jack and the Beanstalk.
CHANDLER: Listen, it's kind of an emergency. Well, I guess you know that, or we'd be in the predicament room.
  • predicament room: ?
ROSS: (JUMPS TO HIS FEET) Look, I don't wanna make any trouble, okay, but I'm in a lot of pain here, alright? My face is dented.
  • dent: 凹下去,陷下去
RACHEL: I'm so sorry, you guys. I didn't mean to bring you down.
  • bring down: 摧毁,俚语用于使人郁闷,消沉
MONICA: Wait, was this a-a small mediterranean guy with curiously intelligent good looks?
PIZZA GUY: Wait, you're not 'G.Stephanopoulos'? Man, my dad's gonna kill me!
RACHEL: Hello? Who are we spying on?
  • spy on: 偷看
MONICA: Okay. Okay, I got one. Do you remember that vegetarian pate that I made that you loved so much?
RECEPTIONIST: (SARCASTIC) Oh, that's attractive.
CHANDLER: Oh, I thought you were great in Silence of the Lambs. Oh come on, admit it! All things considered, you had fun tonight.
  • All things considered: 全面看来
ROSS: Fun? Where was the fun? Tell me specifically, which part was the fun part? Where's my puck?

KID: I found it. Finders keepers, losers weepers.
  • weeper: 哭泣的人

Monday, October 16, 2006

1-3: The One with the Thumb

Pheo: I'm going through my mail, and I open up their monthly, you know, STATEMENT.
  • go through 这里指仔细的检查,翻阅;更多时候go through 是经历的意思
Chan: Oh, Satan's minions at work again...
  • minion: 仆人,手下
Phoe: And even if I was happy, okay, and, and skipping- 'Not-not-mine, not-not-mine, not-not-mine, not-not-mine'...
  • skip 跳跃着走
ALL: Ohhh! Put it out!
  • put out: 熄灭,可以说 put out a fire
MONICA: I mean, why should I let them meet him? I mean, I bring a guy home, and within five minutes they're all over him. I mean, they're like- coyotes, picking off the weak members of the herd.
  • coyotes: 小狼;herd 指一群动物,尤指牧群。英语中有些特指的“群”的词,比如pack特指狼群, a pack of wolves。
PAULA: Well, you do realize the odds of that happening are a little slimmer if they never get to meet the guy..
  • the odds of .... are litter slimmer 某事的可能性会小
Joey: You can come in, but your filter-tipped little buddy has to stay outside!
  • filter-tipped 指带有过滤嘴的;filter-tip 是名词,指带有过滤嘴的香烟
Monica: Okay, let's let the Alan-bashing begin. Who's gonna take the first shot, hmm?
  • Alan-bashing: 指开始批评Alan,挑Allan的毛病
PHOEBE: From the nursery rhyme. 'There was a crooked man, Who had a crooked smile, Who lived in a shoe, For a... while...'
  • nursery: 托儿所; nursery rhyme 连起来指童谣;crooked man: 驼背的人
ROSS: Yeah, it's his, uh, innate Alan-ness that-that-that we adore.
  • innate: 天生的; adore: 极其喜爱
PHOEBE: I know! I know, I opened it up and there it was, just floating in there, like this tiny little hitch-hiker!
  • hitch-hiker: 路边举着大拇指搭车的人
RACHEL: Ohh-ho-hooohhh. The hair comes out, and the gloves come on.
  • 很特殊的说法,这里指Phoe不嚼头发了,却开始攻击Rach。gloves指拳击手套。直接翻译就是“头发从Phoe的嘴里出来,拳击手套却戴上去了”。
CHANDLER: Hey, y'know, I have had it with you guys and your cancer and your emphysema and your heart disease....
  • emphysema: 肺气肿
ROSS: Yeah. He could row like a viking.
  • row 指划船;viking: 早期北欧海盗;这里Ross大概是说Allan划船很牛

Friends cast on "Tonight" show (2004)

1-2: The One With the Sonogram at the End

Rach: Well, word of advice.....

Marsha: He's out banging other women over the head with a club, while she sits at home trying to get the mastodon smell out of the carpet.
Monica: Are you through with that?
  • are you through = are you done
Phoe: you're like all chaotic and twirly. Ant not-not in a good way.
  • twirl 指旋转,twirly 这里指像陀螺一样忙个不停
Rach: How do you fit into this whole thing?
  • fit into 指Ross在这个事情里是怎样的角色
Chan: Kinda puts that whole pillow thing in perspective, huh, Mon?
  • put things in perspective 指正确的看待事情,联系起来分析。这里Chan指相比起来,pillow问题不是什么大问题了
Chan: I mean presumably, the biggest part of your job is done.
  • presumably: 大概……
Mon: were you planning on bringing up the whole baby/lesbian thing? Because I think it might take some of the heat off me.
  • bring up 是提起的意思;take some of the heat off
Mr. Geller: look, there are people like Ross who need to shoot for the starts....
  • shoot for the starts 指有远大理想。shoot for 有远大志向,宏伟目标的意思
Mon: no news, no little anecdotes to share with the folks?
Phoe: She's like this high-powered, driven career type

Bernice: Dr. Farber, Jason's gagging
  • gag: 窒息
Ross: Things changes, roll with the punches. I believe Julia's on the table.
  • punch指拳击,roll with the punches 指拳击中随着对手来拳的方向转身,以减少冲击,以柔克刚。这个俚语的引申意是适应环境,特别是不幸的事情。
  • on the table 指摆上桌面来讨论,多指现在提出来,以后讨论
Barry: So, what have you been up to?
  • what have you been up to: 类似于"how are you doing?",都可以用作见面问候。"how are you doing?" 偏指“最近何如,过得怎么样” ,一般回答"i'm doing well"。而"what have you been up to?" 偏指最近在忙什么,比如可以回答"I've been doing a lot of work".
Rach: You've got plugs!
  • plugs 头发移植?
Carol: You're not actually suggesting Helen Willick-Bunch-Geller? Cause I think that borders on child abuse.

1-1: The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate

Phoe: be murky
  • murky 这里指Ross的郁闷心情
Ross: why does everybody keep fixating on that?
Mon: so that hysterical phone call
  • hysterical: 歇斯底里的
Rach: gorgeous Lamauge gravy boat
Monica: I guess we've established who's staying here with Monica
  • establish 指确认下来
Chan: Ooh, this is Dear Diary moment
  • dear diary moment 指值得写进日记里的时刻
Phoe: is like a giant pigeon... crapping on my heart
  • crap 这里指排便,通常指废物
Ross: I'm supposed to attache a brackety thing to the side things, using a bunch of these little worm guys.
  • bracket (支架) 的形容词
Paul: Ooh, steer clear of you!
  • "steer clear of something/sb" 指远离某人或某物。这里Paul开玩笑,意思是你够狠,以后还是不要惹你的好。
Paul: all my birthdays, both graduations, plus the barn raising scene in Witness.
  • barn raising 指农场聚会。Witness 是一个电影,可能里面有很隆重,热闹的barn raising的场景
Rach: is this really necessary? I mean, I can stop charg-ing anytime I want.
  • charge 这里是指用信用卡消费
Chan: I'm in Las Vegas... I'm Liza Minelli-
  • 没懂